s t o r y


Stepping into your home should put you at ease. It should evoke emotion and be filled with things you love. When considering a new purchase or editing what you already own, be sure to only have the things that make you happy. If something doesn’t do that for you, let it go. When you do, you are left with only the things that bring you joy. This is what Cosy is all about.


Nancy Van Matre

Business owner, wife, mother, and grandmother. Nancy opened Cosy House in 2018 in St. George's Historic District downtown. She has a history of entrepreneurship throughout her life with different business ventures including photography, interior design, children's accessories creator, and a previous home decor shop which she decided to close so she could raise her 4 children. Now that they're grown and Nancy's an empty nester, she decided to continue that dream of owning the "little shop around the corner!"

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